December 10

Side Hustle Cash Flow Basic Training

Attraction Marketing.

The smartest and quickest way to create full time income online.

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Twenty one years ago I came online to figure out how to make full time income on the internet.

My goal was to use automated selling systems on websites that would create full time levels of monthly cash flow, in addition to bigger chunks of one time payments of $100, $500 and even $1000 per referral so that I could have time freedom.

I didn’t originally start with a plan to replace my full time job so I wanted this to be simple to operate and easy to understand so that I could do it on a couple hours a day and easily teach it to other people.

I didn’t come to sell widgets, lotions, potions, worthless software that is irrelevant after a couple months or pyramids.

Simple Freedom Club Freedom Leverage Private Coaching and Cash Flow Club

I came for cash flow… and the automated systems that sell it.

My focus was on marketing into selling systems that were efficient and high profit margin for me, the reseller, the affiliate marketer, not just the manipulative company owners.

The goal was to market, promote and sell products that were online based, high profit margin and easily updated and kept relevant in the market.

I learned the hard way that selling other kinds of products online had super fast shelf lives and once the hype phase was over, nobody really gave a shit about the products and they started stagnating, doing nothing and jumping all over the place to other affiliate programs.

So, I knew I had to create culture and the kind of comraderie we had inside the infantry teams I served with in the military. We had to build inside a model where people loved sticking around and the products were sticky because that allowed us to create monthly recurring income.

Most programs are flawed and are not designed to benefit the affiliate in that way.

Most programs pay shit because the owners just want to leverage the list building and promotional activity of affiliates so they can keep the prospect list, the customers and most of the money. They know affiliates usually come and go with high turnover after only a couple months so they build programs to benefit them, not the affiliate marketers doing most of the work.

I learned that the hard way too.

We created our own culture, our own affiliate marketing school and our own funnels inside a program that understood that affiliates want stability and cash flow.

You can review one of our many sales funnels here.

You can hang your hat here and run with us if you’re tired of all the bullshit out there too.

I’m only focused on leading people who are serious about building full time cash flow as a team for the long haul while keeping things as simple as possible and without the nonsense and drama found in other models.

What to do next?

  1. Review the sales system here.
  2. Contact me and let’s get after it.


affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing school, affiliate marketing training, free agent lifestyle, home based business, home business academy, power lead system, sales funnel, simple freedom, simple freedom club

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