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SIMPLE FREEDOM TRAFFIC: My Personal Viral Traffic Sources You Can Use To Have Daily Leads Flowing into Your Business… Build Your Email List 24/7


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*RECOMMENDED: Do you want to make extra income by selling traffic?

Click this link to learn how to sell traffic on autopilot and build another silent income stream.

The reason I love to sell traffic and I highly recommend you set this up too is because traffic is the life blood of this kind of business and it’s a resource, an energy, a fuel, a product, that all other entrepreneurs need all the time.

Why does that matter to you?

Because this product (traffic) is the ONLY one I know of that acts as so many different products and income streams at the same time. Follow me with this example to understand what I mean:

Do you want a low ticket, low price product that pays you solid low ticket one time commissions?

Traffic does that when people buy it here and there in small amounts.

Do you want a medium priced one time purchase product that pays you medium sized commissions per sale ($100 – $300)?

Traffic does that when people buy it in medium sized packages here and there.

Do you want a “big ticket” product that is in high demand all the time (ever green) and pays you a big ticket commission ($500 – $1000+) per referral as a one time purchase?

Traffic does that for you when people buy bigger packages here and there.

Do you want a product that your customers come back and buy again and again whenever they want? This could be here and there repeat customers and also customers that come back and buy again monthly, every other month, weekly etc. ?

Traffic does that when you prior customers need and want more of it. Once they buy from you the first time they are automatically coded to you so when they come back and purchase more traffic in whatever price point, you get paid again.

My favorite part of selling traffic to other affiliate marketers is that this one product brings me income from all these options and more.

People pay for traffic monthly and sometimes more than monthly and every single time they buy more traffic, which they need for their business all the time anyway, then I get my commissions.

This product will pay you small ticket monthly commissions.

This product will pay you big ticket monthly commissions.

This product will pay you small commissions on one time orders here and there.

This product will pay you big commissions on one time orders here and there.

This product is the only affiliate marketing product I know of that pays in so many ways.

To create the same kind of income streams using virtually any other product in affiliate marketing, you’d have to create or tie in together a bunch of different products, services, memberships and coaching programs.

When you sell traffic you get all that in just one offer.

Anyway, I hope you see the vision and truly understand why I love to sell traffic to my entire market.

But there’s more leverage and profits too.

Pay close attention to this last part.

You actually get paid in even more ways by simply selling traffic.

As your affiliate referrals grow and buy more traffic, the commissions from your traffic sale referrals help you offset and even buy more traffic for yourself so, in essence, you start actually getting paid for using high quality paid traffic for your own personal production.

And in addition to that…

As your affiliate referrals (your affiliate team) grows and gets deeper by building their own affiliate teams, you keep earning more and more commissions from the “team building passive income” produced by your whole organization growing and your traffic selling volume getting bigger and bigger.

That is a potentially significant amount of purely passive income because at that point, you’re doing nothing to create it as it’s being created by the sales growth and activity of your affiliate team.

No other affiliate marketing product has this much leverage built into it and that’s why I love to have it as a part of my overall affiliate marketing business.

If you see the vision here and you now understand more of why I love to offer traffic to other affiliate marketers, then click here to see how you can set yourself up to sell traffic also.


I recommend you test the kind of traffic or leads you’re comfortable with and then scale up as your business grows.

Click here to get traffic.

Don’t over think it or over complicate it.

Run a real business.

Decide on a monthly, responsible marketing budget and order traffic consistently.

Your internet business needs leads and traffic.

Work the numbers.

Traffic and Leads is the Life Blood of Your Online Business. Get lazy here and your business gets REKT, period. Some people love leads. Some people love traffic. Some people get both. It’s all up to you.

There are no “hard rules” about this stuff other than, be consistent and share your message (lead capture page) with people all the time. As your business grows and you refer your team to your traffic sources, the commissions help you offset the cost of your own traffic and actually “paid traffic” then becomes another “silent” income stream for you.

AFFORDABLE MyLeadGenSecret: Get 100-200 Daily Leads for Just $30

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Click here to review MyLeadGenSecret

MyLeadGenSecret. For affiliate marketers. This simple but smart lead generation and email list building system sends you up to 200 leads daily for just $30 per month plus then it also sends you even more leads as the affiliate army being built under you uses it too. Other people’s leverage sends you even more leads.

Builds your email list.

Mail any affiliate offer you want.

Click here to get this no-brainer and work it daily.

Click here for a full review and walk through before spending the whopping sum of $30 to try it yourself.

Traffic4Me Simple Freedom Traffic

Traffic4Me: Email marketing traffic for affiliate programs in the biz op niche.

Click the pic to review or click here.


Sends you targeted traffic on tap.


Guaranteed Leads for Life
How to Have 3-5 People Looking
at Your Home Business Every Day


Traffic4Me Email Traffic to Your Site
Order traffic. It gets to your capture page.
Build your list. Email your list.


Viral List System: Build your own email list of biz op buyers with leverage and allow this viral income system to build you cash flow streams at the same time. Use the automation and leverage in this system to build cash flow independence and a list of buyers.

Click here to review this viral income and list building system.

SIMPLE FREEDOM TRAFFIC: Autopilot Targeted Traffic Sent Directly to Your Offer. Click below to review.

Simple Freedom Traffic Authority Traffic Packages


UDIMI Targeted Solo Ad Traffic
Automated Targeted Traffic to Your Website.
Push button simple. Convenient. Time saver.
Feed your offers traffic. Collect leads. Close sales.

MARKETING LOGIC: As a marketer online you’re going to need traffic every single day of your life in business.

Why just pay for it when you can GET PAID to get it… daily? Every online marketer building affiliate marketing teams should offer traffic to their teams and earn commissions from it. This way, as your team gets traffic and makes sales… you earn commissions and leverage too.

LEVERAGE: Silent Cash Flow Streams are Your Friend!

When that happens, your “paid traffic” actually becomes better than free. It pays you… with leverage. No serious online entrepreneur should be “paying” or “out of pocket” for their own tools and traffic after getting in profit mode.

You should be an affiliate for all your tools, systems and traffic.

There is no reason NOT to be (other than that obsolete “MLM psychology” where you’re brainwashed to ‘fall in love’ with just ONE program or product: doesn’t work for 99% of newbies).

This helps your teams more.

It adds “silent multiple income streams” for them as well and helps them build stronger, more sustainable, consistent, diversified businesses.

Always remember…

“ONE program is NOT a ‘business’ it’s just a sales job.” A real business consists of multiple leverage points and multiple revenue sources. That’s why doesn’t just sell one product. Google sells more than one product. Facebook sells more than one product. Any real business sells more than one product to their customers. You should too. Sell things that make sense as you build your business.


Be smart.

Build a real business.


My Autopilot Traffic
Simple. Click to order and give them the link.
They Send the Traffic Direct to Your Site.


Buy solo ads at great prices.
Great For Tight Budgets.
Everybody can afford this.


Your Lead Magnet
System sends you daily leads.
Perfectly affordable for beginners.
Receive incoming fresh leads daily.

Do you need a marketing system or “lead capture page” to send this traffic to?

Marketing System #1

Marketing System #2

Marketing System #3

FREE Marketing System #4
Complete List-Building Marketing System
100% Free. Start Using it in 15 Minutes.

Marketing System #5
Automated System Closes Big Ticket Sales and Sends you Commissions Direct

Marketing System #6
Great automated funnel selling system clones itself.

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Ready to take your business to the next level? If you’re serious about learning to become an Internet Business Professional, my private coaching program will save you tons of time and money and get you results faster than anything else. Click here to review your many options and let’s connect soon.


Don’t be a quitter! Be consistent. Don’t quit. All good business owners advertise, market and promote their business and offers to generate new customers and retain existing customers. We do to.

The biggest difference between me and the vast majority of newbies who fail online is I NEVER quit. They quit all the darn time. They do something ONE TIME… get a couple bruises or whatever… and they quit and go home… and go to sleep.

Here’s a secret to life:

Most people are quitters. They quit all over the place in life. They quit striving. They quit learning. They quit hobbies. They quit exercising. They quit reading. They quit learning. They quit at work. They quit in marriage. They quit physically. They quit spiritually. They quit emotionally.

Look around…

Most people quit.

They quit everything and most quit every time.

So don’t be surprised.

But here’s the massive opportunity…

It’s simple to “succeed” in life once you realize this truth.

Just decide… commit… NOT to be one of them. NEVER quit.

Show up.

Put in the work.

Get better.

Make mistakes.

Learn from them.

Always come back for more.

DO NOT QUIT. That’s the secret.

I didn’t.

And that’s the main difference.

So, I highly recommend you make a commitment to advertise your business consistently. Pick a budget you can live with and stick to it. Get better at your follow up skills… and scale up with profits.

There you go.

So now you have access to all kinds of traffic to build your email list and get sales.


Message me here on Facebook with any questions.

I’m here to help.


Franco Gonzalez
text: 619-609-8400
e: itsFranco @ gmail . com

Franco Gonzalez Simple Freedom

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